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NORCE will digitize the maritime and coastal industries

NORCE will digitize the maritime and coastal industries


Published: 28.11.2023
Oppdatert: 29.11.2023

Veronica Helle

NORCE leads the digitization center Oceanopolis, which will help small and medium-sized companies in the maritime industry to overcome digital challenges.

Torleif Lothe, NORCE, Stereometric measurement is used to verify that wave and current models are working properly., IMG 6680, ,

Torleif Lothe, NORCE

Stereometric measurement is used to verify that wave and current models are working properly.

Many companies are unaware of the potential applications of digital technology. In Oceanopolis, we will provide digital expertise and services, map needs and solve challenges. Companies can test new digital technology before investing and become more competitive.

Oceanopolis is one of Norway's two selected digital innovation hubs in the EU's DIGITAL program. The purpose of the program is to build digital capacity and infrastructure throughout Europe.

Millions in support

The Norwegian government is now proposing to allocate NOK 20 million for 2024 to co-finance the two innovation hubs' efforts to help businesses and the public sector.

– With this, the Government is putting pressure on the digital and green transition and contributing to more small and medium-sized companies gaining increased competence and the opportunity for technology transfer, says Minister for Digitalization and Administration Karianne Oldernes Tung in a press release.

The innovation hubs will focus on innovative digital technologies, including applied artificial intelligence, and Oceanopolis will specifically target sea-related industries and coastal communities. Both hubs consist of solid professional environments, with both research and industry partners.

Oceanopolis is managed by the NORCE subsidiary DIH Oceanopolis and draws in resources from the research institute and other partners for the benefit of Norwegian businesses and public enterprises. The other hub, Nemonoor, is managed by Digital Norway. Like Oceanopolis, it will explore possibilities arising from the use of artificial intelligence.

– Oceanopolis and Nemonoor have an important role in ensuring that small and medium-sized businesses, including many cornerstone businesses in local communities, can adopt and realize the practical benefits of digitalization. We cannot afford for these to fall outside the digital shift, says managing director Stig Marthinsen at Oceanopolis.

Since 2018, NORCE has positioned itself towards becoming a national hub in the European digital network.

– It is gratifying that the national co-financing is now in place. Our goal with the venture is twofold, one is to support small and medium-sized companies and public agencies in establishing projects and building networks, and the second goal is to become a research partner to the collaboration partners. We believe that over time this will create an even stronger network between us and our partners, says Thor Arne Håverstad, Deputy CEO of NORCE.

Become more competitive

The digital innovation hubs will contribute to increased digitization and the green shift in Norwegian businesses and strengthen their competitiveness.

The innovation hubs are supported by the EU and the participating countries. The government now proposes to secure such co-financing for the Norwegian digital innovation hubs.

– If we are to successfully carry out the digital and green transition that the future requires, we must help the businesses in both recognising the opportunities and implementing important measures. Innovation hubs have a crucial role in this regard, says Tung.

The digital innovation hubs are central to the EU's new program for digital transformation. National European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) will help companies and the public sector with expertise, digital business models and plans, testing of technology before investment, collaboration partners, and possible funding sources so that they succeed in digital transformation.

Naouel Gharbi, NORCE, , IMG 0550, ,

Naouel Gharbi, NORCE

Prominent partners are NorthEdge, Media City Bergen, Mechatronics Innovation Lab (MIL), GCE NODE, NCE EYDE, GCE Ocean Technology, NCE Maritime Clean Tech, NCE Seafood, Norwegian Energy Solutions, Innoventus sør, Valide, VIS, Kunnskapsparken Helgeland, KUPA, The offshore wind cluster, the solar energy cluster and Vital infrastructure. The collaboration also consists of several business associations, universities, research institutes, incubators, advanced labs, and test facilities. Both EDIHs will work nationally, based on the consortium's existing presence.

EDIH Oceanpolis is represented in Agder, Rogaland, Vestland, Nordland, Troms and Finnmark.

Stig Marthinsen

Strategic Adviser - Grimstad
+47 56 10 79 01

Thor Arne Håverstad

Special Adviser - Kristiansand

+47 911 23 555