Svein Østerhus
Senior Researcher
+47 56 10 75 63
Jahnebakken 5, 5007 Bergen, Norway

Climate & Environment
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Download pressphotoSource: Andreas Graven, NORCE
Academic articleObserved Pathways and Interannual Variability of the Warm Inflow Onto the Continental Shelf in the Southern Weddell Sea– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2024
Academic articleEffects of a surface layer cross-flow and slope steepness on the rate of descent of dense water flows along a slope– Ocean Dynamics 2024
Academic articleThe Coldest and Densest Overflow Branch Into the North Atlantic is Stable in Transport, But Warming– Geophysical Research Letters 2024
Academic literature reviewObserving Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southern Ocean– Frontiers in Marine Science 2023
Academic articleThe Iceland-Faroe warm-water flow towards the Arctic estimated from satellite altimetry and in situ observations– Ocean Science 2023
Conference lectureObservational evidence for On-shelf transport of Warm Deep Water driven by local dense water export in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica– Euromech 608: Dynamics of Gravity currents 2023
Academic articleSlowdown of Antarctic Bottom Water export driven by climatic wind and sea-ice changes– Nature Climate Change 2023
Academic articleSouthern ocean carbon and heat impact on climate– Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2023
Academic articleObservational evidence for on-shelf heat transport driven by dense water export in the Weddell Sea– Nature Communications 2023
Research reportPolicy Brief: Key findings and recommendations from three H2020 Projects on Tipping Points: TiPES, COMFORT, and TiPACCs– Zenodo 2022
Conference lectureFrom historical current meters to modern observatory system in the southern Weddell Sea– Arne Foldvik Seminar 2022
Conference lectureWeddellWatch– Antarktisseminar 2022 2022
Conference lectureA multidecadal decline of Weddell Sea Bottom Water volume forced by wind-driven sea ice changes– EGU 2022 2022
Popular scientific monographVarm is. Når verden tiner og alt forandres– Kagge Forlag AS 2021
Academic articleObserved interannual changes beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf linked to large-scale atmospheric circulation– Nature Communications 2021
Academic articleFRIS Revisited in 2018: On the Circulation and Water Masses at the Filchner and Ronne Ice Shelves in the Southern Weddell Sea– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2021
Academic articleIncreased ocean heat transport into the Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean over the period 1993–2016– Nature Climate Change 2020
Conference lectureTiPACCs - Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components– 2019 Coordinators Day 2019
Non-fiction monographDraumen om straumen– Universitetet i Bergen 2019
Conference lectureCombining satellite altimetry and in situ observations to monitor transports of volume, heat, and salt in the Faroe Current– ASOF 2019
Academic articleSupplement of: Arctic Mediterranean exchanges: a consistent volume budget and trendsin transports from two decades of observations– Ocean Science 2019
Academic articleArctic Mediterranean exchanges: a consistent volume budget and trends in transports from two decades of observations– Ocean Science 2019
Conference lectureNinety years of Norwegian Oceanographic Research in Antarctica– NORWEGIAN-CHILEAN JOINT SEMINAR ON ANTARTICA 2019
Conference lectureNinety years of Norwegian Oceanographic Research in Antarctica– NORWEGIAN-CHILEAN JOINT SEMINAR ON ANTARTICA 2019
Academic articleStructure and forcing of observed exchanges across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge– Journal of Climate 2018
Conference lectureArctic Mediterranean Exchanges– Blue‐Action, Meeting Costa da Caparica 2018
Academic articleArctic Mediterranean Exchanges: A consistent volume budget and trends in transports from two decades of observations– Ocean Science Discussions (OSD) 2018
Academic articleBasal Melt and Freezing Rates From First Noble Gas Samples Beneath an Ice Shelf– Geophysical Research Letters 2018
Conference lectureCirculation and melting beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf– FRISP 2018
Conference lectureVariability and mixing of the Filchner overflow plume on the continental slope, Weddell Sea– Forum for Research on Ice Shelf Processes (FRISP) 2018
Conference lectureA new look beneath the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf– Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018 2018
Conference lectureOn the Overflow through the Western Valley of the Iceland-Faroe Ridge– Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018 2018
Conference lectureSub-mesoscale variability beneath Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica– Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes 2018
Academic articleOverflow of cold water across the Iceland–Faroe Ridge through the Western Valley– Ocean Science 2018
Conference lectureIce shelves in a warming world: The Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf system– Antarktisseminar 2018 2018
Conference lectureArctic Mediterranean Exchanges Status 2018– Arctic Subarctic Ocean Fluxes 2018
Popular scientific articleVil isen i Antarktis smelte?– 2018
Academic articleWind stress mediated variability of the Filchner Trough overflow, Weddell Sea– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) 2018
Research reportMonitoring the flow of Atlantic water through the Faroe-Shetland Channel– Havstovan 2017
Research reportD3.1 – Definition of data formats and metadata structure– Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center 2017
Research reportNovel, multi-platform acoustic and optical sensors and data services developed in the NeXOS projec– IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2017
Conference lectureIce shelves in a warming world– Bjerknes Day's 2017
Conference lectureLong-term observing system for FRIS system– POGO OASIIS 2017
Conference lectureMultiplatform integration– NEXOS GA 2017
Conference lectureAMEX 2017 - Status– Iceland-Faroe-Scotland Ridge Exchanges Workshop 2017
Academic articleAtlantic water flow through the Faroese Channels Bogi– Ocean Science 2017
Academic articleStructure and variability of the shelfbreak East Greenland current North of Denmark Strait– Journal of Physical Oceanography 2017
Conference lectureInflow of warm water towards the Filchner Ice Shelf through the Filchner Depression: What do we know and what do we do?– EGU 2017 GA 2017
Conference lectureBranching of the Faroe Bank Channel overflow– EGO2017 2017
Academic literature reviewFrom pole to pole: 33 years of physical oceanography onboard R/V Polarstern– Earth System Science Data 2017
Academic articleLiquid freshwater transport estimates from the East Greenland Current based on continuous measurements north of Denmark Strait– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2017
Conference lectureSmelting og frysing under Filchner-Ronneisen i Antarktis– Antarktisseminar 2016