Bente Storm Haugland
Research Professor
+47 56 10 72 37
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Feature articleHva skal til for å få 20 millioner til forskning på skolefravær?– Stavanger Aftenblad 2024
Academic articleUnique associations between strategies of coping with COVID-19-related stress and internalizing symptoms in a clinical sample of adolescents– Current Psychology 2024
Academic literature reviewMental Health and Well-being in Adolescent and Adult Siblings of Persons with Severe Mental Illness: A Scoping review– Journal of Child and Family Studies 2024
Academic articleExperiences From Treatment for Anxiety and Depression Among Youth in Foster Care: A Qualitative Study– Child & Family Social Work 2024
Academic articleStress and coping strategies among youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based cohort study– International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 2024
Conference lectureDoes adherence, competence and alliance predict long-term outcome in CBT for anxiety disorders in youth– 10th World Congress of Behavioral and Therapy 2023
Non-fiction chapterSchool-based cognitive behavioral interventions for youth with anxiety– 2023
Academic articlePredictors of school-based cognitive behavior therapy outcome for youth with anxiety– Behaviour Research and Therapy 2023
Non-fiction chapterCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Children and Adolescents– 2023
Academic articleAdherence, Competence, and Alliance as Predictors of Long-term Outcomes of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Youth Anxiety Disorders– Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 2023
Academic articleParental early life maltreatment and related experiences in treatment of youth anxiety disorder– Child Psychiatry and Human Development 2023
Academic articleDoes It Matter Who You Provide Care for? Mental Health and Life Satisfaction in Young Adult Carers Associated with Type of Relationship and Illness Category—A National Student Survey– International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2023
Academic articleStop Sexual Harassment: A study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial in secondary schools in Norway– Frontiers in Public Health 2023
Academic articleMestringskatten– Ungsinn. Tidsskrift for virksomme tiltak for barn og unge 2022
Feature articleBack 2 School - Våger vi å la være?– Dagsavisen 2022
Popular scientific articleBekymringsfullt skolefravær - hva gjør vi?– 2022
Academic articleStudy progress, recreational activities, and loneliness in young adult carers: a national student survey– BMC Psychology 2022
Academic articleParental Mental Illness as a Risk Factor for Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders: A Registry-Based Study of Specialized Child and Adolescent Health Services– Child & Youth Services 2021
Academic articleInternalizing Symptom Profiles Among Youth in Foster Care: A Comparison Study– Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021
Academic articleTreatment Fidelity in Brief Versus Standard-Length School-Based Interventions for Youth with Anxiety– School Mental Health 2021
Academic articleEffect of early intervention for anxiety on sleep outcomes in adolescents: a randomized trial– European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2021
Academic articleSleep duration and insomnia in adolescents seeking treatment for anxiety in primary health care– Frontiers in Psychology 2021
Academic articleInternalizing Symptoms Among Youth in Foster Care: Prevalence and Associations with Exposure to Maltreatment– Child Psychiatry and Human Development 2021
Non-fiction chapterAngstlidelser hos ungdom– 2020
Academic literature reviewKunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Traumefokusert kognitiv atferdsterapi (TF-CBT) (2. utg)– Ungsinn. Tidsskrift for virksomme tiltak for barn og unge 2020
Academic articleParental internalizing symptoms as predictors of anxiety symptoms in clinic-referred children– Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology 2020
Academic articleSammenhengen mellom behandlingsfornøydhet og effekt av kognitiv atferdsterapi– Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 2020
Academic articleGenerasjonsoverføring av rusproblemer - mødres frykt for fortida og dens påvirkning på framtida– 2020
Academic articleProviders’ experiences with delivering school-based targeted prevention for adolescents with anxiety symptoms: A qualitative study– School Mental Health 2020
Academic articleSchool-based targeted prevention compared to specialist mental health treatment for youth anxiety– Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2020
Academic articleDoes school-based recruitment for anxiety interventions reach youth not otherwise identified? A comparison between a school-based sample and a clinical sample– School Mental Health 2020
Academic articleEffectiveness of brief and standard school-based cognitive-behavioral interventions for adolescents with anxiety: A randomized noninferiority study– Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2020
Academic articleThe Burden of Care: A National Survey on the Prevalence, Demographic Characteristics and Health Problems Among Young Adult Carers Attending Higher Education in Norway– Frontiers in Psychology 2020
Academic articleFedres deltagelse i utredning og behandling av barn og ungdom med angstlidelse– Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 2019
Conference lectureEffectiveness of brief and standard school-based cognitive behavioral interventions for adolescents with anxiety– 9th World Congress of Behavioural & CognitiveTherapies 2019
Academic articleTreatment Gains Are Sustainable in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Three-Year Follow-Up From the NordLOTS– Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2019
Academic articlePredictors of long-term outcome of CBT for youth with anxiety disorders treated in community clinics– Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2018
Academic articleDo clinical experience, formal cognitive behavioural therapy training, adherence, and competence predict outcome in cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders in youth?– Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2018
Academic articleRescue the child or treat the adult? Understandings among professionals in dual treatment of substance-use disorders and parenting– Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) 2018
Academic articleA solid majority remit following evidence-based OCD treatments: a 3-year naturalistic outcome study in pediatric OCD– European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2018
Conference lectureClinical experience, formal CBT training, adherence and competence as predictors of outcome in CBT for anxiety disorders in youth– 9th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy (ICCP) 2017
Academic articleLong-term effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with anxiety disorders– Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2017
Non-fiction chapterFRIENDS programmet - for forebygging og behandling av angst hos barn og ungdom– 2017
Non-fiction chapterCool kids/Chilled - for å mestre den vanskelige angsten– 2017
Academic literature reviewKunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Mestringskatten (2. utg.)– Ungsinn. Tidsskrift for virksomme tiltak for barn og unge 2017
Academic articleMotivation and treatment credibility predict alliance in cognitive behavioral treatment for youth with anxiety disorders in community clinics– Journal of Clinical Psychology 2017
Academic articleQuality of life in anxious adolescents– Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) 2017
Academic articleA pilot study of a low-threshold, low-intensity cognitive behavioral intervention for traumatized adolescents– Scandinavian Psychologist 2017
Academic articleNegative life events, social support, and self-efficacy in anxious adolescents.– Psychological Reports 2017
Academic articleBehavioral Inhibition in Boys with Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies Compared to a Clinical Sample– Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2017
Academic articleSchool-based cognitive behavioral interventions for anxious youth: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.– Trials 2017
Conference lectureLIST-prosjektet. Skolebaserte lav-terskel KAT tiltak for ungdom med angstplager– Nordlyskonfernasen 2017
Academic articleSocial support available for substance-dependent mothers from families with parental substance abuse– Child & Family Social Work 2017
Academic articleSubstance-dependent women becoming mothers: breaking the cycle of adverse childhood experiences– Child & Family Social Work 2017
Conference lectureLavterskeltiltak for engstlige ungdommer, hva er viktig i implementeringen? (LIST-studien)– Barneveko: Regionsentersamlinga 2016 2016
Feature articleBarn som pårørende - fremdeles «de glemte barna»?– 2016
Academic chapterLong-term outcome and predictors of outcome in CBT for youth anxiety– 2016
Academic articleTherapist-youth agreement on alliance change predicts long-term outcome in CBT for anxiety disorders– Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2016
Academic articlePredictors of treatment outcome in an effectiveness trial of cognitive behavioral therapy for children with anxiety disorders– Behaviour Research and Therapy 2016
Academic articleCompetence and adherence scale for cognitive behavioral therapy (CAS-CBT) for anxiety disorders in youth: Psychometric properties– Psychological Assessment 2016
Conference lectureCurrent research directions for youth anxiety in Western Norway.– Macquarie University Satellite Symposium: Understanding and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents 2015
Conference lectureEvaluation of a Low Threshold, Brief Intervention for Traumatized Adolescents– 45th Annual EABCT Congress CBT: A Road to Hope and Compassion for People in Conflict 2015
Non-fiction chapterPå vei mot bedre støtte til barn som pårørende– 2015
Academic chapterUtviklingstraumer som forståelsesramme for tiltak for barn av rusmisbrukere– 2015
Conference lectureSchool Based, Early Intervention For Anxious Youth : An example of primary care psychology in Norway– European Congress of Psychology 2015
Academic articleTreatment and 12-month outcome of children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A naturalistic study– Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 2015
Academic articlePredictors of dropout from community clinic child CBT for anxiety disorders– Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2015
Academic articleSocio-emotional problems in boys with sex chromosome aneuploidies compared to a clinical sample– Children's health care 2015
Conference lecturePosttraumatic Responses to the 22nd of July 2011 Oslo Terror Among Norwegian High School Students– Tverrfaglig seminar Uni Reserach Helse 2014
Conference lecturePsychometric evaluation of a measure for adherence/competence for CBT with child anxiety disorders– The 44th Annual Congress, European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies 2014
Feature articlePsykisk helse krever mer enn penger: Debattinnlegg– Dagbladet 2014
Conference lectureLow-intesity for Youths who Dare– EABCT congress 2014 2014
Academic articlePrior adversities predict posttraumatic stress reactions in adolescents following the Oslo Terror events 2011– European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014
Academic articleAn effectiveness study of individual vs. group cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders in youth– Behaviour Research and Therapy 2014
Professional articleTre KAT-baserte forskningsprosjekter for barn og unge– Tidsskrift for kognitiv terapi 2013
Conference lectureNegative Self-statements in Anxious Youth– World Congress in Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy 2013
Academic chapterEvidensbaserte kartleggingsmetoder for angstlidelser hos barn og voksne– 2013
Academic chapterAngstlidelser hos voksne og barn – behov for økt innsats– 2013
Professional articleKule krabater leikar - angstførebygging gjennom leik– Spesialpedagogikk 2013