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–This year, everyone is talking about geopolitics and preparedness

–This year, everyone is talking about geopolitics and preparedness


Published: 29.01.2025
Oppdatert: 05.02.2025

Katrine Jaklin
Ida Sollesnes

This week, Arctic Frontiers is being held in Tromsø. Unsurprisingly, geopolitics and preparedness are topics that concern many.

David Jensen / Arctic Frontiers, Camilla Stoltenberg in the panel debate "Big Picture: Strategies for Regional Capacity"., 54293512224 73d45f5aab o, ,

David Jensen / Arctic Frontiers

Camilla Stoltenberg in the panel debate "Big Picture: Strategies for Regional Capacity".

At this year's Arctic Frontiers, approximately 1,200 people from 34 countries are participating. Most are business representatives, researchers, politicians, journalists, and regulators, who meet to discuss the development of the Arctic and northern regions.

Senior Vice President Rune Storvold is NORCE's representative in the partner network and is closely following the conference:

– While much attention was given to AI in 2024, there is no doubt that many discussions this year are about geopolitics and preparedness, says Storvold.

In the session 'Big Picture: Strategies for Regional Capacity,' CEO Camilla Stoltenberg spoke about the Arctic's central position in both security and preparedness, as well as in climate and environmental issues. She emphasized the importance of combining goals of preparedness and security, welfare and democracy with the goal of a zero-emission society. Research along all these three dimensions is important. We must include the societal aspect of research - how do we maintain and develop our democracies, and how do we develop our regional and local communities?

David Jensen, Arctic Frontiers, Priscilla Mooney participated in the side event 'From Global Climate Modelling to Climate Information and Climate Adaptation' about the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). The model provides information on climate changes such as land characteristics (thawing, permafrost, snow cover), hydrology (surface energy balance, flood conditions, drought), and ocean characteristics (sea ice formation, sea temperature, ocean currents, ocean acidification)., 54291113680 985d819337 o, ,

David Jensen, Arctic Frontiers

Priscilla Mooney participated in the side event 'From Global Climate Modelling to Climate Information and Climate Adaptation' about the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). The model provides information on climate changes such as land characteristics (thawing, permafrost, snow cover), hydrology (surface energy balance, flood conditions, drought), and ocean characteristics (sea ice formation, sea temperature, ocean currents, ocean acidification).

Katrine Jaklin, NORCE, The Arctic Frontiers conference has been held in Tromsø since 2007., Foto Katrine Jaklin 8158, ,

Katrine Jaklin, NORCE

The Arctic Frontiers conference has been held in Tromsø since 2007.

Katrine Jaklin, NORCE, Torill Blix with her poster "CRISPR in the EBM tool-kit? Implications of applying genome editing in conservation of biodiversity"., Foto Katrine Jaklin 1617, ,

Katrine Jaklin, NORCE

Torill Blix with her poster "CRISPR in the EBM tool-kit? Implications of applying genome editing in conservation of biodiversity".

Katrine Jaklin, NORCE, Are we closer to an EU debate than we think? From left, Endre Tvinnereim (UIB/NORCE) in 'This is not an EU debate' together with Wenche Pedersen (Mayor of Vadsø, Ap), Sveinung Rotevatn (Member of Parliament, Venstre), Maria Varteressian (State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ap), and Arne O. Holm (Editor, High North News). Debate leader Tor Eldevik (UiB)., Foto Katrine Jaklin 1636, ,

Katrine Jaklin, NORCE

Are we closer to an EU debate than we think? From left, Endre Tvinnereim (UIB/NORCE) in 'This is not an EU debate' together with Wenche Pedersen (Mayor of Vadsø, Ap), Sveinung Rotevatn (Member of Parliament, Venstre), Maria Varteressian (State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ap), and Arne O. Holm (Editor, High North News). Debate leader Tor Eldevik (UiB).

Springfart for Nord

At Springfart for Nord, organized by ProTromsø, the theme was competitiveness both in Norway in general and in Northern Norway specifically.

– Today, much knowledge development and innovation takes place in large, global technology companies. What should we do in Norway, in the Nordic countries, and in Europe to handle this, to position ourselves, and to compete? asked Camilla Stoltenberg.

– We need capital and competence, said Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg.
– We must create both a desire to live and a desire to stay, said Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Myrseth.
– We have allowed ourselves to fall into an oil-induced slumber. We need to increase the pace of innovation, and we need to build up green industries, said Åslaug Haga, Director of Renewable Norway.

– We must create competitiveness while maintaining welfare and democracy, and moving towards a low-emission society. This requires research. In Norway, we need to think less about what other countries do better than us, and more about how we can collaborate more closely with these countries on research and innovation, said Camilla Stoltenberg.

ProTromsø, Panel discussion 'Competitiveness for the Future.' From left: Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Terese Myrseth, Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg, Åslaug Haga from Renewable Norway, Hanne-Karoline Kræmer from SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge, and Camilla Stoltenberg from NORCE. Dr. Ishita Barua is not pictured but initiated the AI discussion., Pro Tromsø1, ,


Panel discussion 'Competitiveness for the Future.' From left: Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Terese Myrseth, Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg, Åslaug Haga from Renewable Norway, Hanne-Karoline Kræmer from SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge, and Camilla Stoltenberg from NORCE. Dr. Ishita Barua is not pictured but initiated the AI discussion.

Ida Sollesnes, At Springfart for Nord, Senior Vice President Rune Storvold, Senior Vice President Anne I. Myhr, and CEO Camilla Stoltenberg participated., 1738009068201 Ida, ,

Ida Sollesnes

At Springfart for Nord, Senior Vice President Rune Storvold, Senior Vice President Anne I. Myhr, and CEO Camilla Stoltenberg participated.

At this year's Arctic Frontiers, approximately 1,200 people from 34 countries are participating. Most are business representatives, researchers, politicians, journalists, and administrators who meet to discuss the development of the Arctic and northern regions.

In parallel, Emerging Leaders, a special program for young leadership talents from the Arctic region, is being held.

NORCE is an Associate Partner and participates in the development of the scientific program.