Neda Olsen
Senior Researcher
+47 51 87 52 99
Prof. Olav Hanssensvei 15, 4021 Stavanger, Norway
Energy and Technology
Research Groups
Well Operations and Risk Management
More information about Neda
Academic chapterIn-line characterization of cement slurry - towards automated cementing operation– 2022
Academic articleUtilizing non-equilibrium thermodynamics and reactive transport to model CH<inf>4</inf> production from the nankai trough gas hydrate reservoir– Energies 2017
Academic articleEffect of H2S Content on Thermodynamic Stability of Hydrate Formed from CO2/N2 Mixtures– Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2017
Academic articleSimulation of CO2 storage into methane hydrate reservoirs, non-equilibrium thermodynamic approach– Energy Procedia 2017
Academic articleUsing a reactive transport simulator to simulate CH4 production from Bear Island basin in the Barents Sea utilizing the depressurization method– Energies 2017
Academic articleSensitivity analysis of CO2 injection within saline aquifers for storage purposes in the form of hydrate using a reactive transport simulator– Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2016
Academic articleNon-equilibrium simulation of CH4 production from gas hydrate reservoirs through the depressurization method– Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2016
Academic articleNon-equilibrium simulation of hydrate formation and dissociation from CO2 in the aqueous phase– Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2016
Academic articleThermodynamic implications of adding N2 to CO2 for production of CH4 from hydrates– Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2016