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Hilmar Rommetvedt

Research Professor

+47 51 87 51 09
Prof. Olav Hanssensvei 15, 4021 Stavanger, Norway

Dr. Hilmar Rommetvedt is Research Professor at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, and former member of the Executive Committee of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). His research focuses on parliaments, governments and organized interests, and policy-making and implementation in various policy areas such as the environment, agriculture, culture, sport, international trade and health and welfare services.

Rommetvedt is (co-)author / (co-)editor of numerous books including Parliamentary Change in the Nordic Countries, The Rise of the Norwegian Parliament, Sport Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Stability and Change (also published in Korean: 스포츠정책론: 안정과 변화의 비교분석), The Value of Arts and Culture in Regional Development, Practices of Inter-Parliamentary Coordination in International Politics, International Trade Negotiations and Domestic Politics, The Nordic Models in Political Science, Parliamentary Committees in the Policy Process, and a number of books published in Norwegian. He has published articles in journals such as Comparative Political Studies, European Political Science, Government and Opposition, Interest Groups & Advocacy, International Journal of Cultural Policy, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Politics in Central Europe, Public Management Review, Scandinavian Political Studies, The Journal of Legislative Studies, Theorija in Praksa, Voluntas, West European Politics, and World Trade Review. He has served as reviewer for various international and Norwegian journals.

Rommetvedt has been adjunct professor at the University of Stavanger and member of the Board of the Division of Science of the Research Council of Norway, as well as vice chair of the Board of the National Institute for Consumer Research and chair of Sola Municipal Board for Cultural Affairs. He has work experience from the Ministry of Education, the Norwegian Parliament, the Norwegian Research Centre in Organization and Management, and Rogaland Research/IRIS - International Research Institute of Stavanger (now a part of NORCE).

Hilmar Rommetvedt


Health & Social Sciences

Research themes

Democracy, Civil Society and Participation

Research Groups

Restructuring of the Public Sector

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